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Leeman Road

For Leeman Road and around, we found the following roads:

AAbbey Street
Abbot Street
Abbots Gait
Abbotsford Road
Acacia Avenue
Academy Drive
Acomb Road
Acomb Wood Close
Acomb Wood Drive
Acorn Way
Adelaide Street
Agar Court
Agar Street
Ainsty Avenue
Ainsty Grove
Aintree Court
Albany Street
Albemarle Road
Albert Close
Albert Court
Albert Street
Albion Avenue
Albion Street
Alcelena Court
Aldborough Way
Alder Way
Alderley Court
Aldersyde Court
Aldreth Grove
Alexa Court
Alexander Avenue
Alexandra Court
Allan Street
Allerton Drive
Alma Court
Alma Grove
Alma Terrace
Almery Terrace
Almond Grove
Almsford Drive
Almsford Road
Alne Terrace
Alness Drive
Alwyne Drive
Alwyne Grove
Amber Street
Amberley Street
Ambrose Street
Amy Johnson Way
Ancress Walk
Ancroft Close
Anderson Grove
Andrew Drive
Angram Close
Annan Close
Anne Street
Anson Drive
Anthea Drive
Apollo Court
Apollo Street
Apple Blossom Court
Apple Garth
Appleby Glade
Appleton Court
Appleton Road
Arbor Close
Archer Close
Arenhall Close
Argyle Street
Arlington Road
Armstrong Way
Arncliffe Mews
Arnside Place
Arran Place
Arthur Place
Arthur Street
Arundel Grove
Ascot Way
Ash Street
Ashbourne Way
Ashford Place
Ashmeade Close
Ashton Avenue
Ashton Lane
Ashville Street
Ashwood Glade
Askham Bar
Askham Bryan Lane
Askham Croft
Askham Fields Lane
Askham Grove
Askham Lane
Atcherley Close
Atlas Road
Aucuba Close
Audax Close
Audax Road
Auster Road
Avenue Road
Avenue Terrace
Aviator Court
Aylesham Court
BBachelor Hill
Back Lane
Back Lane
Back Swinegate
Backhouse Street
Badger Paddock
Baildon Close
Baile Hill Terrace
Baker Street
Balfour Street
Balmoral Terrace
Bankside Close
Bar Lane
Barbara Grove
Barbers Drive
Barbican Mews
Barbican Road
Barden Court
Barfield Road
Barker Lane
Barkston Avenue
Barkston Close
Barkston Grove
Barkston Road
Barley View
Barleycorn Yard
Barlow Street
Barmby Avenue
Barmby Close
Barnabas Court
Baron Close
Barrett Avenue
Bartle Garth
Barton Close
Battle Garth
Beaconsfield Mews
Beaconsfield Street
Beagle Ridge Drive
Beckfield Lane
Beckfield Place
Beckside Gardens
Bede Avenue
Beech Avenue
Beech Avenue
Beech Glade
Beech Grove
Beech Grove
Beech Way
Beechwood Glade
Beeforth Close
Belcombe Way
Belgrave Street
Bell Close
Belle Vue Cottages
Belle Vue Street
Belle Vue Terrace
Bellfarm Avenue
Bellhouse Way
Bellwood Drive
Belmont Close
Beresford Terrace
Berkeley Terrace
Beverley Court
Bewlay Street
Bilsdale Close
Birch Close
Birch Park
Birkdale Grove
Birstwith Drive
Bishopfields Drive
Bishopgate Street
Bishophill Junior
Bishophill Senior
Bishops Court
Bishopthorpe Road
Bismarck Street
Black Dike Lane
Blackthorn Drive
Blake Street
Blakeley Grove
Blakeney Place
Bland Lane
Blatchford Court
Blatchford Mews
Blenheim Court
Bleriot Way
Blossom Street
Blue Beck Drive
Blue Bridge Lane
Board Street
Bog Lane
Bollans Court
Boltby Road
Bonington Court
Bootham Crescent
Bootham Green
Bootham Row
Bootham Square
Bootham Terrace
Boothwood Road
Boroughbridge Road
Borrowdale Drive
Boundary Close
Bouthwaite Drive
Bowes Avenue
Bowland Way
Bowling Green Court
Bowling Green Croft
Bowling Green Lane
Bowness Drive
Bowyers Close
Bracken Road
Bradley Drive
Braeside Gardens
Brailsford Crescent
Bramble Dene
Bramble Grove
Bramham Avenue
Bramham Grove
Bramham Road
Brandsby Grove
Bransholme Drive
Branton Place
Bray Road
Breary Close
Breary's Court
Brecks Close
Briar Avenue
Briar Drive
Bridge Close
Bridge Road
Bridge Street
Bridle Way
Briggs Street
Bright Street
Brinkworth Terrace
Broad Acres
Broad Lane
Broadstone Way
Broadway Grove
Broadway West
Brockfield Park Drive
Brockfield Road
Bromley Street
Brompton Road
Brook Street
Brougham Close
Browney Croft
Brownlow Street
Brunel Court
Brunswick Street
Buckingham Court
Buckingham Street
Bull Lane
Bull Lane
Burdyke Avenue
Burlands Lane
Burn Estate
Burns Court
Burnsall Drive
Burrill Avenue
Bursary Court
Burton Avenue
Burton Court
Burton Green
Burton Stone Lane
Burtree Avenue
Buses Only
Butcher Terrace
Buttermere Drive
Byland Avenue
Byron Drive
CCaesar Court
Cairn Borrow
Caithness Close
Calcaria Court
Caldbeck Close
Calder Avenue
Calf Close
Calvert Close
Cambrian Close
Cambridge Mews
Cambridge Street
Cameron Grove
Campbell Avenue
Campleshon Road
Carey Street
Carl Street
Carleton Street
Carlisle Street
Carmelite Street
Carnot Street
Carnoustie Close
Caroline Close
Carr Lane
Carrick Gardens
Carrington Avenue
Carrnock Close
Carron Crescent
Carter Avenue
Catherine Court
Caxton Avenue
Cayley Close
Cayley Court
Cecelia Place
Cedar Wood Close
Celtic Close
Cemetery Road
Centurion Park
Centurion Way
Chaloner's Crescent
Chaloners Road
Chancellor Grove
Chancery Court
Chancery Rise
Chantry Avenue
Chantry Close
Chantry Gap
Chantry Grove
Chantry Lane
Chapel Row
Chapel Terrace
Chapelfields Road
Chapmans Court
Chapter House Street
Charlaine Court
Charles Moor
Charlotte Street
Charlton Street
Chaseside Court
Chatsworth Terrace
Chaucer Street
Chelkar Way
Chelwood Walk
Cherry Grove
Cherry Hill Lane
Cherry Lane
Cherry lane
Cherry Orchard
Cherry Paddock
Cherry Street
Cherry Tree Avenue
Cherry Wood Crescent
Cheshire Close
Chesney Fields
Chessingham Court
Chessingham Gardens
Chestnut Avenue
Chestnut Court
Chestnut Grove
Cheviot Close
Chudleigh Road
Church Close
Church Gate
Church Lane
Church Lane
Church Lane
Church Lane
Church Mews
Church Street
Church Street
Church View
Cinder Lane
Cinder Lane
Claremont Terrace
Clarence Street
Clay Place
Clement Street
Cleveland Street
Cleveland Way
Clifford Street
Clifton Dale
Clifton Green
Clifton Moor Business Village
Clifton Moor Gate
Clifton Park
Clifton Place
Clive Grove
Cloisters Walk
Cloither Court
Cobham Way
Coda Avenue
Coggan Close
Coggan Way
Cole Street
Coledale Close
Colenso Street
College Court
College Mews
College Road
College Street
Collingham Place
Collingwood Avenue
Compton Street
Concorde Park
Coney Street
Conifer Close
Coningham Avenue
Coniston Close
Connaught Court
Connaught Way
Conway Close
Coopers Drive
Copmanthorpe Lane
Copper Beech Close
Coppergate Walk and St Mary's Square
Copwood Grove
Corlett Court
Cornlands Road
Cornwall Drive
Cornwood Way
Count De Burgh Terrace
Courcey Grove
Crab Tree Grove
Cranbrook Avenue
Cranbrook Road
Cranfield Place
Crichton Avenue
Cricket Field Cottages
Croft Court
Croft Farm Close
Croft Gardens
Croft Way
Crombie Avenue
Cromer Street
Cromwell Road
Cross Lane
Crossfield Crescent
Crosslands Road
Cumberland Street
Curzon Terrace
Custance Walk
Cygnet Street
DDalby Mead
Dale Dyke Grove
Dale Street
Dale's Lane
Dalguise Grove
Dalmally Close
Dalton Terrace
Damson Close
Dane Avenue
Danebury Crescent
Danebury Drive
Danes Croft
Danesfort Avenue
Danum Drive
Danum Road
Darbie Close
Darnborough Street
Darwin Close
Daysfoot Court
De Grey Court
De Grey Place
De Grey Terrace
De Grey Terrace, Avenue Road
Dealtry Avenue
Deanhead Grove
Deans Close
Dee Close
Deer Hill Grove
Del Pyke
Dennis Street
Dennison Street
Derwent Road
Deveron Way
Devon Place
Devonshire Court
Dewsbury Terrace
Diamond Street
Dickens Close
Didsbury Close
Dijon Avenue
Dike Ray Close
Dikelands Close
Dikelands Lane
Dilys Grove
Disraeli Close
Dixons Yard
Dodgson Terrace
Dodsworth Avenue
Doe Park
Don Avenue
Doriam Avenue
Doriam Drive
Dormary Close
Dove Street
Drake Street
Drakes Close
Drapers Croft
Driffield Terrace
Dringfield Close
Dringthorpe Road
Drummond View
Duchess Mews
Dudley Court
Dudley Mews
Dudley Street
Dukes Court
Dukes Wharf
Duncombe Place
Dundas Street
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