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For Esholt and around, we found the following roads:

AAbbotside Close
Abinger Close
Acacia Park Crescent
Acacia Park Drive
Acacia Park Terrace
Access Rd
Ackworth Avenue
Ackworth Crescent
Acorn Park
Acre Avenue
Acre Close
Acre Crescent
Acre Drive
Acre Grove
Acre Lane
Acre Rise
Acrehowe Rise
Ada Street
Adam Croft
Addenbrook Close
Adelaide Rise
Ainsbury Avenue
Aire Grove
Aire Street
Aire View
Airedale Place
Airedale Street
Aireville Road
Alanby Drive
Albert Avenue
Albert Buildings
Albert Square
Albert Street
Albert Street
Albion Place
Albion Road
Albion Street
Aldersyde Road
Aldersyde Way
Alexandra Road
Alexandra Terrace
Alexandra Terrace
All Alone
All Alone Road
Allanbridge Close
Allison Lane
Alma Close
Alma Street
Alma Street
Almscliffe Terrace
Althorpe Grove
Alva Close
Alva Court
Alverthorpe Way
Amblers Croft
Amundsen Avenue
Amyroyce Drive
Angel Street
Annie Street
Apperley Gardens
Apperley Lane
Apperley Road
Apple Haigh Close
Ardennes Close
Argyll Close
Armgill Lane
Armidale Way
Arthur Street
Ash Grove
Ash Grove
Ashbourne Avenue
Ashbourne Bank
Ashbourne Close
Ashbourne Crescent
Ashbourne Drive
Ashbourne Gardens
Ashbourne Garth
Ashbourne Grove
Ashbourne Haven
Ashbourne Mount
Ashbourne Oval
Ashbourne Rise
Ashbourne Road
Ashbourne Way
Ashburn Grove
Ashfield Drive
Ashfield Place
Ashfield Place
Ashfield Road
Ashfield Works
Ashington Close
Ashtofts Mount
Ashton Walk
Averingcliffe Road
BBack Carrington Terrace
Back Cavendish Road
Back Cavendish Road
Back Crag Road
Back Dudley Hill Road
Back Granville Terrace
Back High Street
Back Lane
Back Lane
Back Lane
Back Lindum Terrace
Back Lombard Street
Back Manor Street
back of Albion Street
back of Elm Terrace
Back Park Road
Back Stone Hall Road
Back Thornhill Street
Bacon Street
Baddeley Gardens
Badgers Way
Baildon Golf Club
Baildon Holmes
Baildon Road
Baildon Wood Court
Baker Street
Bale Drive
Ballantyne Road
Bank Close
Bank Crest
Bank Parade
Bank View
Bank Walk
Bankfield Terrace
Banksfield Avenue
Banksfield Close
Banksfield Crescent
Banksfield Grove
Banksfield Mount
Banksfield Rise
Bantree Court
Barcroft Grove
Barfield Avenue
Barfield Drive
Barham Terrace
Barnsley Beck Grove
Barrowby Close
Bartle Gill Drive
Bartle Gill Rise
Bartle Gill View
Bateson Street
Batley Court
Batter Lane
Bay Horse Court
Beamsley Close
Beamsley Court
Beamsley Croft
Beamsley Walk
Beaufort Grove
Beck Bottom
Beckwith Drive
Bedford Place
Beech Close
Beech Close
Beech Hill
Beech Lees
Beechmount Close
Belgrave Mews
Belle Vue
Belle Vue Close
Belle Vue Drive
Belle Vue Terrace
Belmont Grove
Benbow Avenue
Benton Park Avenue
Benton Park Crescent
Benton Park Drive
Benton Park Road
Berkeley Close
Bermondsey Mews
Bermondsey Street
Berry Drive
Bescaby Grove
Bescot Way
Billing View
Bingley Lands
Bingley Road
Birchwood Gardens
Bird Cage Walk
Blackett Street
Blake Crescent
Blenheim Place
Bloomfield Square
Bluebell Close
boat ramp
Bodmin Avenue
Bolton Court
Bolton Crescent
Bolton Drive
Bolton Grange
Bolton Grove
Bolton Hall Road
Bolton Lane
Bolton Road
Booth Royd
Booth Royd Drive
Booth Street
Booth Street
Borrins Way
Borrowdale Croft
Botany Avenue
Boundary Close
Bourne Street
Bowness Avenue
Bracken Edge
Brackendale Avenue
Brackendale Drive
Brackendale Grove
Brackendale Parade
Bradford Road
Bradford Road
Bradford Road
Bradford Road
Bradford Road
Brae Avenue
Bramham Drive
Brander Close
Bransdale Avenue
Bransdale Close
Bransdale Gardens
Bransdale Garth
Brantcliffe Drive
Brantcliffe Way
Branwell Road
Braunstone Court
Braybrook Court
Brecon Close
Bredon Avenue
Bremner Street
Briar Rhydding
Briar Wood
Briarfield Avenue
Briarfield Close
Briarfield Gardens
Briarfield Grove
Briarfield Road
Briarlea Close
Bridge Street
Bridgegate Fold
Bridgegate Way
Bridgland Avenue
Brierley Close
Brighton Street
Brisbane Avenue
Broad Street
Broadacre Way
Broadwell Drive
Brogans Yard
Bromet Place
Brook Hill
Brookfield Avenue
Brookfield Road
Brookhouse Gardens
Brooklands Close
Brooklands Crescent
Brooklands Drive
Brooklands Grove
Brooklands Lane
Brooklands Walk
Brooklands Way
Brookwater Drive
Broome Avenue
Brow Wood Crescent
Brownlea Close
Brunswick Place
Brunswick Road
Buck Lane
Buckfast Court
Buckle Lane
Buckstone Drive
Burghley Walk
Burley Lane
Burley Road
Burley Street
Burnwells Avenue
Burras Avenue
Burras Drive
Burras Lane
Busy Lane
Bute Street
Butler Lane
Butt Lane
Buttermere Road
Butts Lane
Butts Terrace
Buxton Avenue
Buxton Lane
Byram Court
Cairn Avenue
Cairn Garth
Cairns Close
Calderwood Close
Calpin Close
Calverley Cutting
Cambridge Drive
Cambridge Grove
Cambridge Street
Cambridge Street
Cambridge Way
Camellia Court
Cameron Grove
Canada Crescent
Canada Drive
Canada Road
Canada Terrace
Canal Road
Capel Court
Capel Street
carlisle avenue
Carlton Drive
Carlton Drive
Carlton Lane
Carlton Mount
Carlton Street
Carlton Terrace
Carmargue Fold
Carnegie Drive
Carr Bottom Road
Carr Farm Cottages
Carr Hill Avenue
Carr Hill Drive
Carr Hill Grove
Carr Hill Nook
Carr Hill Rise
Carr Hill Road
Carr Lane
Carr Road
Carr Wood Close
Carr Wood Gardens
Carr Wood Way
Carrington Terrace
Castlegate Drive
Castlemore Road
Catstones Wood
Cattle Market Street
Cavalier Drive
Cavendish Drive
Cavendish Grove
Cavendish Road
Cavendish Road
Cavendish Street
Caxton Road
Caythorne Walk
Cecil Avenue
Centenary Road
Chapel Hill
Chapel Lane
Chapel Lane
Chapel Street
Chapel Street
Chapel Street
Chapel Walk
Charles Street
Charlton Close
Charnwood Close
Charnwood Grove
Charnwood Road
Charterhouse Road
Cheltenham Road
Cherington Court
Cherry Fields
Cherry Lea Court
Cherry Tree Avenue
Chestnut Grove
Chestnut Grove
Chevin Avenue
Chevin Avenue
Chevin Court
Chevin End Road
Chevin Fold
Chevin Side
Chevington Court
Childs Lane
Church Court
Church Crescent
Church Hill
Church Lane
Church Street
Church Street
Church Street
Clara Drive
Clara Road
Claremont Avenue
Claremont Crescent
Claremont Grove
Claremont Road
Clarence Drive
Clarion Field
Clarke Street
Clayton Grove
Cleasby Road
Cleeve Hill
Cliffe Avenue
Cliffe Drive
Cliffe Lane
Cliffe Lane
Cliffe Lane (South)
Cliffe Lane West
Cliffe Lodge
Cliffe Terrace
Clifford Drive
Clifford Road
Clifton Villas
Clover Court
Clover Crescent
Club Row
Coach Road
Cobden Street
Cockshott Lane
Coleridge Gardens
College Hill House
Collier Lane
Collindale Close
Coppice Grange
Coppice View
Coppice Wood Avenue
Coppice Wood Close
Coppice Wood Crescent
Coppice Wood Grove
Coppice Wood Rise
Copt Royd Grove
Corn Mill
Coronation Avenue
Corporation Street
Corsair Avenue
Cote Farm Lane
Cotefields Avenue
Cotswold Avenue
Cottage Road
Coultas Close
Courthouse Street
Coverdale Way
Coverley Garth
Coverley Rise
Crag Hill Road
Crag Road
Crag View
Cragg Wood Drive
Craven Park
Craven Street
Cricketers Green
Crimshaw Lane
Croft Close
Croft Drive
Croft Head
Croft Park
Croft Place
Croft Rise
Croft Street
Croft Street
Croft Way
Crofters Green
Crofters Lea
Cross Green
Cross Lane
Cross Road
Crow Lane
Crow Tree Close
Crow Trees Park
Crowther Avenue
Crowther Street
Crowtrees Court
Cunliffe Lane
Cunliffe Road
Cunliffe Terrace
Cunliffe Villas
Cyprus Avenue
Cyprus Drive
Cyprus Gardens
DDale Close
Dale Grove
Dales Drive
Dales Way
Daleside Road
Dam Lane
Damon Avenue
Danefield Terrace
Danum Drive
Dawson Street
Dean Lane
Deanery Gardens
Delius Avenue
Delph Hill
Delverine Grove
Denison Street
Dennison Hill
Derby Road
Derry Hill
Derry Hill Gardens
Derry Lane
Derwent Road
Devonshire Place
Dewhirst Close
Dewhirst Road
Dibb Lane
Dick's Garth Road
Digby Road
Dock Lane
Dockfield Place
Dockfield Road
Dockfield Terrace
Doctor Hill
Doctor Lane
Donald Aldred Drive
Dorchester Crescent
Dorian Close
Douglas Crescent
Drovers Way
Ducie Street
Dudley Hill Road
Duncan Avenue
Dunkhill Croft
Durling Drive
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