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For Milnrow and around, we found the following roads:

AAbbey Drive
Aberley Fold
Aboukir Street
Acker Street
Acre Barn
Acton Street
Ada Street
Aden Street
Adrian Terrace
Ainsdale Crescent
Ainsworth Street
Alandale Drive
Albany Street
Albert Street
Albert Avenue
Albert Royds Street
Albert Street
Albert Street
Albert Street
Albion Gardens Close
Albion Street
Alexander Drive
Alfred Street
Alfred Street
Alice Street
Alison Street
All Saint's Close
All Saints Terrace
Allen Close
Allenby Street
Alma Street
Almond Close
Alpine Drive
Alpine Drive
Alpine Drive
Alston Avenue
Alwin Road
Ambrose Street
Ann Street
Anne Line Close
Annersley Avenue
Ansdell Road
Arcon Close
Argyle Street
Arkwright Way
Arley Drive
Arm Road
Armstrong Hurst Close
Arncliffe Rise
Arncott Close
Arnside Close
Arthington Street
Arthur Street
Ash Close
Ash Grove
Ash Grove
Ash Grove
Ash Grove
Ashbourne Close
Ashbrook Crescent
Ashbrook Hey Lane
Ashdene Rise
Ashdown Way
Ashes Lane
Ashfield Lane
Ashfield Road
Ashia Close
Ashleigh Close
Ashmount Drive
Ashwood Drive
Ashwood Drive
Ashworth Close
Assheton Road
Astley Close
Athol Street
Aubrey Street
Averon Rise
Avis Street
Avon Close
Avon Road
BBack Bradshaw Street
Back Broom Street
Back Drake Street
Back Durham Street
Back Oldham Road
Badger Close
Baillie Street
Baillie Street East
Balderstone Road
Baldwins Close
Balfour Street
Ball Street
Ballard Way
Balmoral Avenue
Balmoral Close
Bamford Street
Bangor Street
Bank Close
Bank Street
Bank Street
Bantry Street
Barehill Street
Barlow Street
Barnfield Rise
Baron Street
Bartlett Road
Basil Street
Bay Street
Beadle Avenue
Beal Bank Close
Beal Crescent
Beal Lane
Bealcroft Close
Beard Street
Beaumont Close
Beck Grove
Beckley Close
Bedford Avenue
Beech Street
Beechfield Road
Beechwood Avenue
Beechwood Drive
Belfield Close
Belfield Lane
Belfield Mill Lane
Belfield Old Road
Belfield Road
Belgravia Mews
Bell Lane
Bell Street
Bellingham Close
Bellshill Crescent
Belton Avenue
Belvoir Meadows
Bentfield Crescent
Bentgate Close
Bentgate Street
Bents Farm Close
Beresford Street
Berkeley Drive
Berkeley Street
Bertha Road
Bertha Street
Berwick Street
Beswicke Royds Street
Beswicke Royds Street East
Beswicke Street
Betjeman Place
Beverley Place
Bickerstaffe Close
Bidston Close
Bilberry Street
Bingley Road
Bingley Square
Bingley Terrace
Binns Nook Road
Birch Avenue
Birch Crescent
Birch Hey Close
Birch Hill Crescent
Birch Hill Lane
Birch Mount
Birch Road
Birch Street
Birch View
Birchinlee Avenue
Birkdale Road
Birley Street
Birshaw Close
Bishop Street
Bishopdale Close
Bishopsgate Walk
Blackchapel Drive
Blackshaw Lane
Blackstone Avenue
Blackstone Edge Old Road
Blair Close
Blakelock Street
Blanche Street
Bleasdale Street
Blenheim Avenue
Blossom Place
Blueberry Drive
Blyth Avenue
Bodmin Close
Bond Street
Borrowdale Close
Botesworth Green
Boundary Street
Bourne Road
Bower Avenue
Bowland Close
Bowland Grove
Bowler Street
Bowlers Walk
Box Street
Brackenwood Close
Braddocks Close
Bradley Lane
Bradshaw Street
Braemore Close
Brakehouse Close
Bramble Close
Bramhall Close
Branch Road
Brandon Crescent
Bransdale Avenue
Brantwood Close
Brecon Close
Brellafield Drive
Brendon Hills
Brentwood Close
Brickfield Street
Bridge Bank Road
Bridge Street
Bridge Street
Bridge Street
Bridgenorth Drive
Bright Street
Briony Close
Britannia Avenue
Briton Street
Broad Lane
Broadbent Close
Broadfield Drive
Broadfield Street
Broadstone Avenue
Brocklebank Road
Bromley Avenue
Bronte Close
Brook Avenue
Brook Hey Close
Brook Lane
Brook Street
Brook Street
Brook Terrace
Brookfield Avenue
Brookfield Drive
Brookland Street
Brooklands Street
Brooklyn Avenue
Brooklyn Avenue
Broom Street
Broomfield Square
Broomfield Terrace
Brotherdale Close
Brow Street
Brown Bank Road
Brown Lodge Drive
Brown Lodge Street
Brownlow Avenue
Brownside Close
Brunswick Street
Brunswick Street
Buckingham Park Close
Buckingham Street
Buckley Chase
Buckley Farm Lane
Buckley Hill Lane
Buckley Lane
Buckley Road
Buckley Street
Buckley Street
Buckley View
Bucklow Close
Buckstones Road
Buersil Avenue
Buersil Street
Bullcote Green
Bullcote Lane
Bulwer Street
Bunyan Close
Bunyan Street
Burchall Field
Burlington Street
Burnet Close
Burns Close
Burnsall Grove
Burnside Road
Butcher Lane
Buttercup Drive
Buttermere Grove
Butterworth Close
Butterworth Hall
Butterworth Street
Button Hole
Buxton Crescent
Byron Street
CCaesar Street
Calder Avenue
Calder Grove
Calder Street
Calderbrook Terrace
Calf Hey North
Calf Hey Road
Calf Hey South
Calliards Road
Camberwell Way
Cambrian Drive
Cambrian Drive
Cameron Court
Canal Street
Canal Street
Canberra Way
Canon Flynn Court
Canon Street
Cape Gardens
Capesthorne Drive
Cardigan Street
Carpenters Way
Carr Grove / Fairway
Carrington Close
Cartmel Avenue
Castlemere Drive
Castlerigg Drive
Castleton Road
Caton Street
Causewood Close
Cavendish Way
Cayley Street
Cecil Street
Cecil Street
Cecil Street
Cedar Bank Close
Cedar Grove
Cedar Lane
Cedar Street
Celandine Close
Cemetery Road
Chadwick Close
Chadwick Street
Chamber Road
Chancel Place
Chancery Lane
Chandos Street
Channing Square
Channing Street
Chapel Croft
Chapel Gate
Chapel Hill
Chapel Lane
Chapel Street
Chapel Street
Chapel Street
Chapel Street
Chapelway Gardens
Charlbury Way
Charles Babbage Avenue
Charles Lane
Charles Street
Charles Street
Charlotte Street
Charnwood Close
Charter Street
Chatsworth Close
Chaucer Street
Cheetham Hill
Cheetham Street
Cheetham Street
Chelsea Close
Cherry Grove
Cherry Hall Drive
Chertsey Close
Chester Place
Chestnut Way
Chetwyn Avenue
Cheviot Avenue
Cheviot Close
Cheviots Road
Chichester Close
Chichester Street
Chiltern Close
Chiltern Drive
Chipping Fold
Christine Street
Church Lane
Church Lane
Church Road
Church Road
Church Stile
Church Street
Church Street
Church Street
Church Terrace
Cinder Hill Lane
Clara Street
Claremont Road
Clarence Street
Clarendon Street
Clarke Street
Clay Street
Clayton Street
Clegg Hall Road
Clegg Street
Cleggswood Avenue
Clementina Street
Cleveland Drive
Cleveland Grove
Clevelands Close
Cleveleys Avenue
Cliff Hill Road
Cliff Street
Clifford Street
Clifton Crescent
Clifton Street
Clifton Street
Cliftonville Road
Clipsley Crescent
Clough Road
Clough Street
Clover Hall Crescent
Clover View
Clyde Court
Co-operative Street
Cocker Mill Lane
Coin Street
Cold Greave Close
Coleridge Road
Coleridge Road
Colley Street
Collier Avenue
Collinge Street
Colsterdale Close
Compton Fold
Conduit Street
Coniston Grove
Connaught Avenue
Connington Close
Conrad Close
Consort Avenue
Constantine Road
Cook Road
Cook Street
Cook Terrace
Cooper Street
Coopers Walk
Cop Road
Copenhagen Square
Copenhagen Street
Copley Street
Coppy Bridge Drive
Corbett Street
Corn Mill Close
Cornbrook Close
Cornfield Street
Cornish Way
Cotswold Avenue
Cotswold Crescent
Cotswold Drive
Cotton Fold
Count Street
Coupland Close
Coverdale Avenue
Cowie Street
Cowlishaw Lane
Cragg Road
Crawford Street
Cricket View
Croasdale Close
Crocus Drive
Croft Head
Croft Head Drive
Croft Street
Cromer Street
Crompton Avenue
Crompton Gate
Crompton Street
Crompton Way
Cromwell Road
Cronkeyshaw Road
Crook Street
Crosby Street
Cross Gates Road
Crossbrook Way
Crossfield Close
Crossfield Place
Crossfield Road
Crossley Street
Crossley Street
Crown Gardens
Crown Street
Crown Street
Crowther Street
Crowther Street
Croxton Avenue
Croydon Avenue
Culvert Street
Cumberland Road
Cumbrian Close
Cunliffe Drive
Curzon Close
Curzon Road
Cutland Way
Cypress Gardens
Cyril Street
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