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StreetDir.net - Your street directory


For Bardsley and around, we found the following roads:

AAbbey Grove
Abbey Hills Road
Abbey Road
Abbeydale Close
Abbotsford Road
Abercorn Street
Abingdon Close
Abson Street
Acacia Road
Acorn Street
Acre Lane
Acre Street
Acton Street
Adam Street
Aden Street
Adlington Street
Adswood Close
Afghan Street
Age Croft
Agnes Close
Agnes Street
Ainsdale Close
Ainsdale Crescent
Alasdair Close
Albany Street
Albert Street
Albert Street
Albion Street
Albion Street
Alcester Street
Alder Close
Alder Lane
Alder Road
Alders Court
Alderson Street
Alderwood Fold
Alexander Avenue
Alexandra Crescent
Alexandra Road
Alexandra Road
Alexandra Street
Alford Street
Alfred Street
Allama Iqbal Road
Allen Street
Alligin Close
Almond Road
Alpine Drive
Alt Fold Drive
Alt Grove
Alt Hill Lane
Alt Hill Road
Alt Lane
Alt Road
Alton Close
Alton Street
Alva Road
Anchor Street
Ancoats Street
Anderton Grove
Andrew Street
Andrew Street
Angela Avenue
Anglesey Close
Anglesey Road
Ann Square
Anne Close
Anselms Court
Apfel Lane
Apple Close
Appledore Walk
April Close
Arbour Road
Arden Close
Arden Street
Argus Street
Argyle Street
Argyll Close
Argyll Park Road
Arkle Drive
Arkwright Street
Arlington Close
Armdale Rise
Armitage Close
Arncliffe Rise
Arne Street
Arnold Street
Arnside Avenue
Arran Avenue
Arundel Street
Ascot Close
Ascroft Street
Ash Grove
Ash Square
Ash Street
Ashbourne Drive
Ashbridge Road
Ashbrook Road
Ashcroft Street
Ashdene Close
Ashdene Rise
Ashes Lane
Ashfield Crescent
Ashford Court
Ashleigh Close
Ashley Mews
Ashley Street
Ashmond Road
Ashton Crescent
Ashton Road
Ashton Road East
Ashton Street
Ashworth Close
Ashworth Street
Aspull Street
Astbury Close
Aster Street
Athens Way
Atherton Street
Atkinson Street
Attock Close
Avon Street
Ayr Avenue
BBack Gladstone Street
Back King Street
Back Lane
Back O' TH' Low Road
Back Saint James's Street
Back Scott Street
Bailey Street
Bainbridge Road
Bainburgh Clough
Bakewell Avenue
Baldwins Close
Balfour Street
Bamford Grove
Bamford Street
Bank Hill Street
Bank Street
Bank Top Park
Bankfield Drive
Bankside Close
Bannach Drive
Bar Gap Road
Barcombe Close
Bardsley Street
Bardsley Street
Bardsley Vale Avenue
Barlow Street
Barmouth Court
Barmouth Walk
Barn Fold
Barn Street
Barnside Way
Barrett Street
Barry Street
Bartlam Place
Bartlemore Street
Barton Street
Bateson Drive
Bath Street
Baxter Street
Bay Street
Beacon Grove
Beard Street
Beaufont Drive
Becket Meadow Street
Beckett Street
Bedfordshire Close
Beech Avenue
Beech Avenue
Beech Mount
Beech Street
Beechfield Close
Beechwood Road
Beever Street
Belfairs Close
Belgrave Avenue
Belgrave Avenue
Belgrave Road
Bell Street
Bellfield Avenue
Belmont Avenue
Belmont Street
Belmont Street
Belmont Way
Bentinck Street
Bentley Street
Bentley Street
Benyon Street
Beresford Crescent
Beresford Street
Berkeley Drive
Berkshire Close
Berne Close
Bernice Avenue
Berwyn Close
Beswick Drive
Beswick Street
Bethesda Street
Beverley Close
Bexley Street
Bickerton Court
Birch Avenue
Birch Avenue
Birch Drive
Birch Fields
Birch Hall Close
Birchenlea Street
Birchinlee Avenue
Birkdale Avenue
Birks Avenue
Bishopgate Street
Bisley Street
Bismarck Street
Blackdown Grove
Blackthorn Road
Blenheim Avenue
Blenheim Street
Block Lane
Blucher Street
Blunn Street
Bodmin Close
Bolderod Place
Bolton Street
Booth Hill Lane
Booth Street
Booth Street
Boston Street
Bottomfield Close
Boundary Gardens
Boundary Park Road
Bourne Street
Bow Street
Bower Street
Bowland Close
Bowling Green Close
Bowling Street
Bracken Close
Brackenwood Close
Brackley Street
Bradford Street
Bradley Fold
Bradshaw Street
Brae Side
Bramble Avenue
Brecon Crescent
Bredbury Street
Bredon Way
Breeze Hill Road
Brendon Hills
Brennan Court
Brewerton Road
Briar Avenue
Briar Grove
Brideoake Street
Bridge Street
Bridge Street
Bridge Street
Bridgefield Crescent
Bridgewater Street
Bridson Street
Brierley Avenue
Brierley Close
Brierley Street
Brierley Street
Brierwood Close
Bright Street
Brighton Road
Briony Close
Briscoe Street
Bristol Avenue
Briton Street
Broad Oak Crescent
Broadbent Avenue
Broadbent Road
Broadcarr Lane
Broadhurst Avenue
Broadhurst Grove
Broadoak Crescent
Broadoak Road
Broadstone Avenue
Broadway Street
Bromley Crescent
Bromley Street
Brompton Avenue
Brompton Street
Bronville Close
Brook Lane
Brook Lane
Brook Street
Brook Street
Brook Street
Brookfield Avenue
Brookfield Street
Brooklands Avenue
Brooklet Close
Brooklyn Street
Broome Street
Broomes Park
Broomhurst Avenue
Browfield Way
Brown Edge Road
Brown Street
Brown Street
Brownhill Drive
Browning Road
Brownlow Avenue
Brunswick Street
Bryan Street
Buckfast Avenue
Buckley Road
Buckley Street
Buckley Street
Bucklow Close
Bullcote Green
Bullcote Lane
Buller Street
Burder Street
Burghley Avenue
Burlington Avenue
Burnaby Street
Burnley Lane
Burnley Street
Burnley Street
Burton Street
Busk Road
Bute Avenue
Butler Green
Buttercup Drive
Buttermere Road
Butterworth Street
Buxted Road
Buxton Avenue
Byland Avenue
Byron Street
Byrth Road
CCairnwell Road
Calderbrook Way
Camberwell Drive
Camberwell Street
Cambria Street
Cambrian Drive
Cambridge Street
Campania Street
Canal Street
Canisp Close
Cannon Street
Cardiff Close
Cardigan Road
Cardinal Street
Cardwell Street
Carlisle Crescent
Carlisle Street
Carlton Avenue
Carlton Way
Carnarvon Street
Carnation Road
Carnforth Avenue
Carr House Road
Carrbrook Drive
Carrington Street
Carthage Street
Cartmel Close
Cash Gate Court
Castle Court
Castleford Street
Castlemill Street
Castleton Grove
Castleton Street
Cathedral Road
Catherine Street
Cattlin Way
Causewood Close
Cavendish Street
Cavendish Way
Cecil Street
Cedar Crescent
Cedar Street
Cedric Road
Cennick Close
Ceylon Street
Chadderton Way
Chaffinch Close
Chalfont Close
Challum Drive
Chamber Hall Close
Chamber Road
Chancery Street
Chancery Street
Chancery Walk
Chapel Croft
Chapel Dr
Chapel Lane
Chapel Road
Chapel Street
Chapel Walk
Charles Morris Close
Charles Shaw Close
Charles Street
Charles Street
Charleston Street
Charnwood Close
Charter Street
Chatsworth Street
Chaucer Street
Cheetham Street
Cheetham Street
Chelbourne Drive
Chelmsford Street
Cheltenham Street
Chepstow Drive
Cherry Avenue
Cherry Avenue
Cherwell Close
Chesham Road
Chester Street
Chesterfield Street
Chesterton Road
Chestnut Close
Chestnut Crescent
Chestnut Street
Cheviot Avenue
Cheviot Avenue
Cheviot Close
Chichester Crescent
Chief Street
Chiltern Drive
Chilton Avenue
Church Lane
Church Street
Church Street
Church Street
Church Street
Church Street East
Church Terrace
Churchill Street
Churchill Street East
Cicero Street
Cinder Hill Lane
Clara Street
Claremont Street
Clarence Avenue
Clarence Street
Clarksfield Road
Clarksfield Street
Clarkwell Close
Clay Street
Clayton Street
Claytons Close
Cleeve Road
Clegg Street
Clegg Street
Clevedon Road
Cleveland Grove
Clifton Avenue
Clifton Close
Clifton Crescent
Clifton Street
Clive Street
Clock Street
Clough Gate
Clough Road
Clovelly Avenue
Clover Crescent
Clowes Street
Clyde Street
Clydesdale Street
Co-operation Street
Co-operative Street
Coal Pit Lane
Coalshaw Green Road
Cobden Street
Cobden Street
Coin Street
Coldhurst Street
Coldhurst Street West
Colenso Street
College Avenue
College Road
Collier Hill
Collier Hill Avenue
Collingwood Way
Collins Way
Columbia Street
Colville Road
Colwyn Street
Colwyn Street
Commercial Street
Conduit Street
Congreave Street
Coniston Avenue
Coniston Close
Conival Way
Connaught Street
Connery Crescent
Constantine Street
Convent Street
Cook Street
Cooke Street
Cooper Street
Cop Road
Coppice Street
Copster Avenue
Copster Place
Copsterhill Road
Cormallen Grove
Corn Street
Cornhill Street
Cornish Way
Cornwall Street
Corona Avenue
Coronation Road
Corwen Close
Cotswold Avenue
Cotswold Drive
Cottam Street
Cotton Mill Crescent
Cotton Tree Close
Coulton Close
Counthill Road
County Street
Course View
Coventry Grove
Coverham Avenue
Covert Road
Cow Lane
Cowling Street
Crabtree Road
Cragg Road
Cranberry Street
Cranbrook Street
Cranleigh Close
Craven Street
Craven Street
Crete Street
Crime Lane
Croft Brow
Croft Head
Croft Street
Crofton Street
Cromford Street
Crompton Street
Crompton Street
Cromwell Street
Cross Street
Cross Street
Crossbank Avenue
Crossbank Street
Crossley Crescent
Crossley Street
Crow Hill View
Crowley Lane
Culvert Street
Cumberland Drive
Cummings Street
Cunningham Way
Curlew Road
Curzon Street
Cutler Hill Road
Cypress Avenue
Cypress Road
Cyprus Close
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