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For Deepdale and around, we found the following roads:

AAbbey Street
Abbey Walk
Abbot Meadow
Abbott Croft
Abbotts Close
Abingdon Drive
Acacia Road
Acer Grove
Acorn Close
Acorn Close
Acregate Lane
Adelaide Street
Adelphi Place
Adelphi Street
Agnes Street
Ainslie Road
Albany Drive
Albatross Street
Albert Road
Albert Road
Albert Terrace
Albrighton Crescent
Albrighton Road
Albyn Bank Road
Albyn Street East
Alcester Avenue
Aldate Grove
Alder Road
Aldwych Drive
Alert Street
Alexandra Road
Alexandra Street
Alford Fold
Alice Square
Allenby Avenue
Allerton Court
Allerton Road
Allington Close
Alma Street
Almond Close
Almond Close
Alpine Avenue
Alpine Close
Alsop Street
Alston Street
Alvern Avenue
Alvern Crescent
Ambleside Close
Ambleside Road
Ambleside Walk
Ampleforth Drive
Anchor Court
Andertons Way
Andrew Street
Annis Street
Ansdell Grove
Ansdell Street
Appleby Street
Appletree Close
Aqueduct Street
Ardee Road
Argyll Road
Arkwright Road
Armstrong Street
Arnhem Road
Arno Street
Arnold Close
Arnott Road
Arnside Road
Arroyo Way
Arthur Street
Arundel Place
Ash Grove
Ash Grove
Ash Holme
Ashbourne Crescent
Ashdown Mews
Asheldon Street
Ashford Crescent
Ashleigh Court
Ashleigh Street
Ashley Mews
Ashmoor Street
Ashmore Street
Ashness Close
Ashton Close
Ashton Street
Ashtree Grove
Ashwood Road
Ashworth Court
Ashworth Grove
Ashworth Lane
Ashworth Street
Ashworth Street
Asland Close
Aspden Street
Aspels Crescent
Aspels Nook
Aspinall Close
Assheton Place
Athelstan Fold
Atherton Close
Atholl Street
Atkinson Close
Aubigny Drive
Austin Crescent
Avenham Colonnade
Avenham Lane
Avenham Place
Avenham Road
Avenham Street
Avon Bridge
Avondale Drive
Aysgarth Avenue
Azalea Close
BBack Club Street
Back Grimshaw Street
Back Seed Street
Back Starkie Street
Badgers Croft
Badgers Way
Bagnold Road
Baillie Street
Bairstow Street
Balcarres Road
Balderstone Road
Baldwin Street
Balfour Road
Balmoral Road
Balmoral Road
Balshaw Street
Banbury Drive
Bank Parade
Bank Parade
Bank Place
Bank Top Road
Banks Road
Banksfield Avenue
Bannister's Bit
Barden Place
Barlow Street
Barnacre Close
Barnflatt Close
Basil Street
Bath Street
Baxendale Grove
Bay Road
Baytree Close
Beacon Avenue
Beacon Grove
Beaconsfield Avenue
Beamont Drive
Bedford Road
Bee Lane
Beech Drive
Beech Grove
Beech Street
Beech Street South
Beech Terrace
Beechill Close
Beechwood Avenue
Beechwood Avenue
Beenland Street
Belgrave Avenue
Belle Field Close
Bellis Way
Belmont Avenue
Belmont Close
Belmont Crescent
Belmont Road
Belton Hill
Bence Road
Benton Road
Berkeley Street
Berry Field
Berry Street
Berry Street
Berwick Drive
Berwick Road
Berwick Street
Beverley Close
Bexhill Road
Bhailok Square
Bhailok Street
Bidston Street
Bilsborough Hey
Birch Avenue
Birch Avenue
Birchover Close
Birchwood Drive
Bird Street
Birkett Drive
Birkett Place
Birley Bank
Birley Street
Bispham Street
Black Bull Lane
Blackberry Way
Blackthorn Drive
Blake Avenue
Blanche Street
Blashaw Lane
Bleasdale Close
Bleasdale Street East
Blelock Street
Blenheim Close
Bloomfield Court
Bloomfield Grange
Blue Bell Place
Bluebell Way
Bluebell Way
Blundell Lane
Blundell Road
Bodmin Street
Boegrave Avenue
Bold Street
Boltons Court
Bootle Street
Bostock Street
Boundary Road
Bow Lane
Bowland Place
Bowland Road
Bowlers Close
Bowness Road
Bowran Street
Boys Lane
Bracewell Road
Brackenbury Road
Brackenbury Street
Braddon Street
Bradkirk Lane
Bradkirk Place
Braefield Crescent
Braid Close
Braintree Avenue
Bramble Court
Brampton Drive
Brampton Street
Brandiforth Street
Brant Road
Bray Street
Breeze Mount
Brennand Close
Brian Johnson Way
Briar Bank Row
Briar Grove
Bridge Bank
Bridge Close
Bridge End
Bridge Road
Bridge Road
Bridge Street
Bridge Terrace
Brierley Road
Brierley Street
Briery Close
Brieryfield Road
Briggs Road
Brighton Crescent
Brindle Court
Brindle Street
Bristow Avenue
Britannia Drive
Brixley Street
Brixton Road
Broad Meadow
Broad Oak Green
Broad Oak Lane
Broadfield Drive
Broadwood Close
Broadwood Drive
Brockholes View
Brook Croft
Brook Lane
Brook Street
Brook Street North
Brookfield Avenue
Brookfield Drive
Brookfield Street
Brookhouse Street
Brooklands Avenue
Brookside Road
Broomfield Mill Street
Broughton Street
Broughton Tower Way
Brown Lane
Brown Street
Brownedge Close
Brownedge Lane
Brownedge Road
Brownedge Walk
Browning Crescent
Browning Road
Browsholme Avenue
Brunswick Place
Brydeck Avenue
Buckingham Avenue
Bucklands Avenue
Buller Avenue
Bullfinch Street
Bulmer Street
Burholme Close
Burholme Place
Burholme Road
Burleigh Road
Burns Street
Burnsall Place
Burnside Avenue
Burnside Way
Burnslack Road
Burrington Close
Burrow Road
Burwood Close
Burwood Drive
Bushell Place
Bushell Street
Bussel Road
Butler Place
Butler Street
Buttermere Close
Buttermere Close
Bymbrig Close
CCadley Avenue
Cadley Causeway
Cadley Drive
Cadogan Place
Cage Lane
Cairnsmore Avenue
Calder Avenue
Calder Street
Callander Close
Callon Street
Calverley Street
Cam Close
Cam Street
Cambridge Close
Cambridge Court
Cambridge Road
Cambridge Street
Cambridge Walk
Camden Place
Campbell Street
Camwood Drive
Cann Bridge Street
Cannon Hill
Cannon Street
Canterbury Road
Cantsfield Avenue
Canute Street
Capitol Way
Cardigan Street
Carleton Avenue
Carleton Drive
Carlisle Avenue
Carlisle Street
Carloway Avenue
Carlton Drive
Carlton Street
Carnarvon Road
Carnfield Place
Carnoustie Close
Carnoustie Court
Caroline Street
Carr Street
Carr Street
Carrol Street
Carrwood Road
Carrwood Way
Castle Fold
Castle Mount
Castle Street
Castle Walk
Castleton Road
Catherine Street
Causeway Avenue
Cave Street
Cavendish Crescent
Cavendish Drive
Cavendish Place
Cavendish Road
Caxton Road
Cecilia Street
Cedar Avenue
Cedar Avenue
Cedar Road
Cedar Way
Cemetery Road
Central Drive
Chaddock Street
Chadwick Gardens
Chain House Lane
Chalfont Field
Chandler Street
Channel Way
Chapel Road
Chapel Street
Chapel Walks
Chapman Road
Charlotte Place
Charlotte Street
Charnley Close
Charnley Court
Charnley Fold
Charnley Fold Lane
Charnley Street
Charnock Avenue
Charnock Court
Charnock Fold
Charnock Gardens
Charnock Moss
Charnock Street
Chartwell Rise
Chatburn Road
Chatham Place
Chatsworth Road
Chatsworth Street
Chaucer Street
Cheddar Drive
Chelford Close
Cheriton Field
Cherry Close
Cherry Trees
Chesmere Drive
Chester Road
Chestnut Avenue
Chestnut Close
Chestnut Crescent
Chestnut Drive
Cheviot Street
Chindits Way
Chingle Close
Chorley Road
Christchurch Street
Christian Road
Church Avenue
Church Avenue
Church Brow
Church Court
Church Lane
Church Row
Church Street
Church Walk
Church Walk Gardens
Churchill Drive
Churchill Road
Cinnamon Court
Cinnamon Hill Drive North
Cinnamon Hill Drive South
Cintra Avenue
Cintra Terrace
City Views
Clairane Avenue
Clara Street
Clarendon Street
Clayton Street
Clayton's Gate
Claytongate Drive
Clement Road
Clevedon Road
Cleveland Avenue
Cleveleys Avenue
Cliff Street
Cliffe Court
Clifton Crescent
Clifton Drive
Clifton Grove
Clifton Street
Clitheroe Street
Clive Road
Clough Avenue
Clough Field
Clovelly Avenue
Clovelly Drive
Club Street
Clyde Street
Co-operative Street
Cold Bath Street
Colenso Road
College Court
Collins Road
Collins Road North
Collinson Street
Colman Court
Compton Green
Condor Way
Coniston Avenue
Coniston Drive
Coniston Road
Connaught Road
Constable Street
Convent Close
Conway Avenue
Conway Drive
Cooper Hill Close
Cooper Hill Drive
Cooper Road
Coopers Fold
Coote Lane
Cop Lane
Copper Beeches
Cornthwaite Road
Coronation Crescent
Corporation Street
Cottage Lane
Cottam Avenue
Cottam Lane
Cotton Court
Cow Hill
Cowley Road
Crabtree Avenue
Cragg's Row
Cranborne Street
Cranbourne Street
Craven Close
Crawford Avenue
Crescent Street
Croasdale Avenue
Croft Bank
Croft Street
Crofters Green
Crombleholme Road
Cromer Place
Cromford Walk
Crompton Street
Cromwell Gardens
Cromwell Road
Cromwell Road
Cromwell Street
Cromwell Way
Crook Street
Crooked Lane
Crookings Lane
Crosby Place
Cross Green Road
Cross Halls
Cross Street
Crow Hills Road
Crowell Way
Crowle Street
Crown Street
Cuerden Rise
Cuerden Way
Cunliffe Street
Curwen Street
Customs Way
Cuttle Street
Cypress Grove
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