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New Normanton

For New Normanton and around, we found the following roads:

AAbbey Barn Mews
Abbey Hill Road
Abbey Lane
Abbey Street
Abbey Yard
Abbeycroft Lane
Abbeyfields Close
Abbot Close
Abbotts Barn Close
Abingdon Street
Acer Croft
Acorn Close
Acresview Close
Addison Road
Adler Court
Adrian Street
Agard Street
Aimploy Court
Ainley Close
Ainsworth Drive
Albert Road
Albert Street
Albion Street
Alder Close
Alder Court
Alderfen Close
Alexandra Gardens
Alexandre Close
Alfreton Road
Alice Street
Alison Close
Allen Street
Allestree Close
Allestree Lane
Allestree Street
Alma Street
Almond Street
Alonso Close
Alsager Close
Alstonfield Close
Alstonfield Drive
Alward's Close
Alward's Court
Alwards's Close
Amber Street
Amberley Drive
Ambrose Terrace
Amen Alley
Amesbury Lane
Amy Street
Anchor Fold
Anderson Street
Anglesey Street
Anstey Court
Anthony Crescent
Anthony Drive
Appleby Court
Applecross Court
Applemead Close
Appleton Close
Arbor Close
Arboretum Square
Arboretum Street
Archer Street
Arden Close
Argyle Street
Arkwright Street
Arleston Lane
Arleston Street
Arlington Drive
Arlington Road
Arran Close
Arridge Road
Arthur Hind Close
Arthur Street
Arundel Street
Ascot Drive
Ash Close
Ash Tree Close
Ashberry Court
Ashbourne Road
Ashby Street
Ashcroft Close
Ashe Place
Ashfield Avenue
Ashleigh Drive
Ashlyn Road
Ashopton Avenue
Ashover Close
Ashover Road
Ashtree Avenue
Ashwater Close
Ashwood Close
Ashworth Avenue
Assembly Rooms Loading Bay
Assembly Rooms loading bay
Aston Close
Astorville Park Road
Athens Court
Athlone Close
Athol Close
Atlantic Way
Atlow Road
Attlebridge Close
Audrey Drive
Augusta Street
Auriga Court
Austin Square
Autumn Grove
Avalon Drive
Aviemore Way
Avocet Court
Avon Close
Avon Street
Avondale Road
Avonmouth Drive
Aycliffe Gardens
Aylesbury Avenue
BBabington Lane
Back Lane
Back Sitwell Street
Bagshaw Street
Bailey Street
Bainbrigge Street
Baker Street
Bakewell Street
Balaclava Road
Balfour Road
Balgonie Court
Ballater Close
Balleny Close
Baltic Close
Bamford Avenue
Bangor Street
Bank Court
Bank Side
Bank View Road
Bankholmes Close
Barden Drive
Barley Croft
Barlow Street
Barnard Road
Barnstaple Close
Barrett Street
Barrie Drive
Baseball Drive
Basildon Close
Baslow Drive
Bateman Street
Bath Street
Baverstock Close
Baxter Square
Bay 1
Bay 10
Bay 11
Bay 12
Bay 13
Bay 14
Bay 15
Bay 16
Bay 17
Bay 18
Bay 19
Bay 2
Bay 20
Bay 21
Bay 22
Bay 23
Bay 24
Bay 25
Bay 26
Bay 27
Bay 28
Bay 29
Bay 3
Bay 4
Bay 5
Bay 6
Bay 7
Bay 8
Bay 9
Beamwood Close
Beardmore Close
Beatty Street
Beaufort Street
Beaumont Walk
Beaureper Avenue
Becher Street
Becket Street
Becket Well Lane
Beckitt Close
Bedford Close
Bedford Street
Beech Croft
Beech Drive
Beechwood Park Drive
Beeley Close
Belgrave Street
Belper Road
Belvoir Street
Bemrose Road
Bennett Street
Bensley Close
Benson Street
Bentley Street
Berkshire Street
Berry Park Close
Berwick Avenue
Bethulie Road
Betjeman Square
Beverley Street
Bewdley Close
Bideford Drive
Bilberry Close
Bingham Street
Binscombe Lane
Birches Road
Birchfield Close
Birchover Rise
Birchover Way
Birdwood Street
Bishops Drive
Blaby Close
Blackmore Street
Blackmount Court
Blackthorn Close
Blakebrook Drive
Blankney Close
Blenheim Drive
Blithfield Gardens
Bloomfield Close
Bloomfield Street
Bluebird Court
Blyth Place
Boden Street
Bold Lane
Bonnyrigg Drive
Bonsall Avenue
Booth Street
Border Crescent
Boswell Square
Bosworth Avenue
Boulton Drive
Boulton Lane
Boundary Road
Bourne Street
Bower Street
Bowmer Road
Boyd Grove
Boyer Street
Boyer Walk
Bracken's Lane
Brackens Avenue
Bracknell Drive
Bradgate Court
Bradgate Park View
Bradley Street
Bradshaw Way
Brailsford Road
Braintree Close
Braithwell Close
Bramble Street
Bramblehedge Drive
Bramfield Avenue
Bramfield Court
Brassington Road
Breedon Avenue
Breedon Hill Road
Brendan Gardens
Breydon Close
Brian Clough Way
Briar Lea Close
Brick Row
Brick Street
Bridge Gate
Bridge Street
Bridle Close
Brigden Avenue
Brighton Road
Brightwater Close
Briset Close
Broad Bank
Broadfields Close
Broadleaf Close
Broadstone Close
Broadway Park Close
Brodie Close
Bromley Street
Bromyard Drive
Brook Street
Brookfield Avenue
Brookfields Drive
Brookhouse Street
Brookside Close
Brookside Road
Broom Close
Broom Close
Brough Street
Browning Circle
Browning Street
Brunel Parkway
Brunswick Street
Bryony Close
Buchan Street
Buchanan Street
Buckingham Avenue
Buckland Close
Buckminster Close
Buller Street
Burbage Place
Burdock Close
Burghley Close
Burleigh Drive
Burnaby Street
Burnside Close
Burnside Street
Burton Road
Burton Road Roundabout
Buttermere Drive
Butterwick Close
Buttonoak Drive
Buxton Road
Byng Avenue
Byron Street
CCadgwith Drive
Caesar Street
Cairngorm Drive
Calder Close
Caldermill Drive
Calver Close
Calvert Street
Calverton Close
Calvin Close
Camborne Close
Cambridge Street
Camden Street
Cameron Road
Camp Street
Campbell Street
Campion Street
Campsie Court
Canal Street
Canon's Walk
Canterbury Street
Cantley Close
Cape Close
Cardean Close
Cardigan Street
Cardinal Close
Cardrona Close
Carlton Avenue
Carlton Drive
Carlton Gardens
Carlton Road
Carlton Walk
Carlyle Street
Carnegie Street
Carol Crescent
Carradale Grove
Carrington Street
Carron Close
Carsington Crescent
Carsington Mews
Carter Street
Caspian Drive
Casson Avenue
Castings Road
Castlecraig Court
Castleland Way
Castleton Avenue
Cathedral Road
Cathedral View
Catherine Street
Cavendish Avenue
Cavendish Court
Cavendish Street
Caxton Street
Cecil Street
Cedar Street
Cedarwood Court
Celandine Close
Centre Court
Centro Place
Chaddesden Lane
Chaddesden Park Road
Chadwick Avenue
Chalkley Close
Chambers Street
Chancel Place
Chandlers Ford
Chandos Pole Street
Chandres Court
Channel Crescent
Chapel Lane
Chapel Street
Chapter Close
Charing Court
Charles Road
Charlestown Drive
Charlotte Street
Charnwood Avenue
Charnwood Street
Charterhouse Close
Charterstone Lane
Chartwell Drive
Chatham Street
Chatsworth Crescent
Chatsworth Street
Chatteris Drive
Chellaston Park Court
Chellaston Road
Chelmarsh Close
Chelmorton Place
Chelwood Road
Chequers Lane
Chequers Road
Cheshire Street
Chester Avenue
Chester Green Road
Chesterton Avenue
Chestnut Avenue
Chestnut Avenue
Cheveley Court
Chevin Place
Chevin Road
Chime Close
Chinley Road
Christchurch Court
Church Close
Church Lane
Church Lane
Church Lane
Church Lane North
Church Street
Church Walk
City Gate
City Road
Clarence Road
Clarke Street
Clifford Street
Clifton Road
Clifton Street
Clinton Street
Cloisters Court
Cloverdale Drive
Co-operative Street
Coburn Place
Cock Pitt
Cockayne Street North
Cockayne Street South
Coke Street
Coleman Street
Coleridge Street
College Mews
Collis Close
Colombo Street
Coltsfoot Drive
Columbine Close
Colvile Street
Colwyn Avenue
Colyear Street
Commerce Street
Coniston Crescent
Consett Close
Copeland Street
Copes Way
Copperleaf Close
Coppice Close
Coral Close
Corbel Close
Corby Close
Cordelia Way
Corden Street
Corfe Close
Corn Market
Cornwall Road
Coronation Street
Corporation Street
Cotton Brook Road
Cotton Lane
Countess Grove
Countisbury Drive
Courtway Crescent
Cowdray Close
Cowley Street
Cowper Street
Cowsley Road
Craiglee Court
Cranmer Road
Cranwood Close
Crawley Road
Crayford Road
Cressida Court
Cresta Grove
Crewe Street
Crewton Way
Cringle Mews
Croft Lane
Crofters Court
Cromarty Close
Cromford Road
Crompton Street
Cromwell Road
Crosby Street
Crown Mews
Crown Street
Crown Way
Crownland Drive
Crowshaw Street
Cuckmere Close
Cumberland Avenue
Cummings Street
Curlew Close
Curzon Lane
Curzon Road
Curzon Street
Cut Lane
Cuttlebrook Close
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